Pumpkin seeds vacuumed sealed for long term storage.
About ParkerMama
Tammy is a mom to 6 wonderful kids, including Parker, who came with an extra chromosome! She is passionate about special needs advocacy, living within her means, and preparing for an uncertain future. Tammy’s main blog is Praying For Parker. Make sure to visit her there as well!
that type of plastic was GENERALLY CONSIDERED FOOD GRADE I did NOT say those are deflniteiy food grade. In the THOUSANDS of buckets that have passed through or by my hands in the last 25 years I have yet to see one bucket SPECIFICALLY MARKED FOOD GRADE FROM THE FACTORY. Call Ropak, ask them which type of bucket they use, call Walton, ask them, look at the buckets from the bakery, etc. Get it done
that type of plastic was GENERALLY CONSIDERED FOOD GRADE I did NOT say those are deflniteiy food grade. In the THOUSANDS of buckets that have passed through or by my hands in the last 25 years I have yet to see one bucket SPECIFICALLY MARKED FOOD GRADE FROM THE FACTORY. Call Ropak, ask them which type of bucket they use, call Walton, ask them, look at the buckets from the bakery, etc. Get it done