Our love for getting prepping advice from Pinterest is well known and we often showcase our favorite ideas on pinterest here. Today we thought it would be nice to show you our top 5 pinners to follow for prepping so that you can follow them too. In no particular order here they are!
Our Favorite Pinners to Follow For Prepping:
Mom’s got her prep on. Pinning items for emergency preparedness, survival, shtf, teotwawki, homesteading and self-sufficiency.
Join us as we build a movement. Let’s talk about family, Conservatism, Christianity, gardening, cooking, homesteading, economics, homeschooling and technology.
Ed Todd
My son just went to college and having more time now. I have found this Pinterest has become my new addiction. Most anything about me is related to these boards or on my Facebook. Be safe everyone!!
Jenn Fowler
Tammy Hodson
Food Storage
Of course, we would be negligent in not showing off our boards as well! We would love to have you follow Simply Preparing on Pinterest. We like to think of ourselves as a top pinner of prepping materials.
Compiling this list was actually inspired by my friend Melissa Taylor who is not into prepping at all (we need to convert her) but is very much into pinterest with over 1.2 MILLION followers. She just wrote her first book called Pinterest Savvy and I very much recommend all of you going to download on Kindle. Pinterest is a great way for prepping people to connect and share our life saving ideas! So the more of us that are comfortable using this great resource the better!
Source: amazon.com via Rachel on Pinterest
Thank you for the mention! I’ve gone through and made sure I’m following everyone else. There were a couple new ones for us!
Oh good. I am always happy when I can introduce like minded friends
Wow..thank you for the honor!!! And funnily enough, I saw it on Pinterest 😀
I love your pins and I was pretty sure you would catch it there 🙂
Good stuff! I just went and followed everyone you mentioned! Thanks so much!
Cool to be here with this group, enjoying this to pass some time and no doubt it is addicting!!! Be Safe and have some fun!!!
Thanks for the heads-up! You’re right. These are great pinners. I’ve gone and followed them all. Thanks!
Thanks for posting this list of prepper pinners. I follow some already (and have my own Off the Grid, Homesteading & Emergency Preparedness board), but I plan to go through this list, and follow some more people to find more helpful advice!
While we’re on the topic of preparing for a disaster: do you have a backup copy of your pins and boards in case they are deleted by a hacker, accident, or computer error? Our company, Pin4Ever, provides Pinterest account backups. We’ve saved more than 1.7 million pins for our customers since September 2012. Please visit http://www.pin4ever.com to learn more, read testimonials, and try a free backup!
I follow most of these pinners already! Thanks for the list though!!! I really need to get my boards organized better so they aren’t so mashed together but there is just so much to pin!
I follow most of these pinners already! Thanks for the list though!!! I really need to get my boards organized better so they aren’t so mashed together but there is just so much to pin!
So excited to check out these pinners! Following the first two but going to add the others today. My Survival Picks board has the most pins of all my boards but I’m always looking to add more!! Thanks for the info!