Prepping On A Budget Through Frugal Living

One of the biggest excuses I hear as to why people don’t prep for emergencies is ‘I can’t afford it.’

Hogwash. Prepping on a budget isn’t that hard.

I’m one of those who believes you can’t afford not to prep.  After my medically fragile son with special needs was born, we found ourselves living on our food storage while our grocery money went to paying for Parker’s necessities.

The secret is to prepping on a budget is to build your food storage around what is on sale each month and use coupons if possible.

If I can save even $5.00 a week, that’s $5.00 more that can go toward preps.

I’m going to start listing my frugal endeavors here each week.  I’d love it if you would join in with me by sharing your frugal endeavors for the week.  Hopefully we can inspire each other to save more to go towards our prepping goals.

Use Reward Cards To Pay For Prepping Supplies

  • My Mom loves to shop at a home decor store that offers a reward card each time she shops.  For every $10.00 she spends, the store stamps her card.  Once she has spent $200.00 she can then turn that card in for $15.00 off her next purchase.  Instead of using her card, she gives it to me.  By combining her rewards card with the 25% off coupon I found, I was able to score a sweet Christmas gift for my married daughter for less than $2.00.


  • I turned my swagbucks in for an Amazon gift card to be used on another Christmas gift.


Homestead Living & Sale Stocking

  • I used left over frozen turkey in Parker’s blenderized diet this week.


  • Surprisingly enough, the rosemary in my garden is still alive and going strong.  I harvested it by freezing it in olive oil in baby food trays.


  • Instead of giving in to the temptation of ordering pizza, I made it from scratch.


  • My son is a wrestler.  He was in a tournament on Saturday.  They sell food during these tournaments, but boy is it expensive.  Instead I packed him a small cooler of fresh fruit, Gatorade I scored for .40 a bottle this summer, and other nutritious food.


  • Instead of purchasing expensive home school curriculum, I searched the internet for free downloads.


  • Began using cloth trainers instead of Pull-Ups.



  • I rescued the pumpkins that my parents were using on their front porch for decoration.  I baked them, pureed them, and then froze the puree.  I’ll use it in holiday baking and Parker’s blenderized diet.



What about you?  What are you doing to help save money to use towards emergency planning?


ParkerMama: Tammy is a mom to 6 wonderful kids, including Parker, who came with an extra chromosome! She is passionate about special needs advocacy, living within her means, and preparing for an uncertain future. Tammy's main blog is Praying For Parker. Make sure to visit her there as well!
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