Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios [Paperback]I am a big believer in that the first investment a prepper should make is a survival library. I was lucky enough that one of the first survival books I picked up was Survival Mom by Lisa Bedford. Doomsday Preppers had just started airing and in my panic mode, Lisa seemed like a friendly face to turn to.I devoured her blog, The Survival Mom in just days and then quickly ordered her book onto my iPad. Her writing style in the book is simple, calming and its like she takes your hand and walks you through things step by step. By nature of blogging and having guest authors, her blog doesn’t give you that ‘hold my hand’ approach anymore and is more and more being geared to the audience who has been growing their prepping skills right along with her. I still feel right at home on her blog but I wish that everyone of her readers had the chance to get to know her and the basic survival skills from her book first. Which is why I was thrilled that she donated a book over to my little blog as my very first giveaway on!
Lisa’s book is fabulous but there are a few others I think you should take a look it as well.
I will do in depth reviews on each of these three at some point but they are a great compliment after you get through Survivor Mom by Lisa Bedford.
I know building a library can be expensive and so Lisa and I teamed up to give one lucky person a chance to win a copy of her book. Here is how.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 and up and will be mailed by Lisa Bedford. Contest ends 11/12/2012 at 12PM GMT