Why You Should Have Sillcock Keys In Your Emergency Kit
Reasons to include sillcock keys in your emergency kit
About ParkerMama
Tammy is a mom to 6 wonderful kids, including Parker, who came with an extra chromosome! She is passionate about special needs advocacy, living within her means, and preparing for an uncertain future. Tammy’s main blog is Praying For Parker. Make sure to visit her there as well!
There are just as many reasons not to include one.
Unfortunately once the water pressure is off, you will be able to drain only a small amount of water from the plumbing. In doing so, you will create a vacuum which will further hamper drainage.
Which is why when you do plumbing repairs in your home they always tell you to open up an interior facet, to release the water trapped in the pipes.
If you don’t have access to the interior of a building without water pressure then you will get very little water.
Another problem is that without pressure, it may come out very slowly.
In a SHTF scenario, you are not likely to be the only one searching for water.
If you are seen for a long period attempting to get water in this manner, you are likely to be attacked while you are distracted by you efforts.
Leaving them to cash in on all your work.
If you do not know better, easier and more efficient ways to get water, then you better sit down and do some studying.
Carol Stowe
I. Have. A. Screw. Driver. Like. This
2. Flats…… 2. Phillips
There are just as many reasons not to include one.
Unfortunately once the water pressure is off, you will be able to drain only a small amount of water from the plumbing. In doing so, you will create a vacuum which will further hamper drainage.
Which is why when you do plumbing repairs in your home they always tell you to open up an interior facet, to release the water trapped in the pipes.
If you don’t have access to the interior of a building without water pressure then you will get very little water.
Another problem is that without pressure, it may come out very slowly.
In a SHTF scenario, you are not likely to be the only one searching for water.
If you are seen for a long period attempting to get water in this manner, you are likely to be attacked while you are distracted by you efforts.
Leaving them to cash in on all your work.
If you do not know better, easier and more efficient ways to get water, then you better sit down and do some studying.