Our Survive Hurricane Season Prepping Checklist walks you step by step through everything you need to do get your family through a hurricane safely. Emergency Supplies for power outages, 72 Hour Kits for disaster preparedness. Tips for securing your home during Natural Disasters.
I’m a veteran of hurricanes Betsy and Camille in Slidell Louisiana. Something we were always reminded to do in preparing for a storm when I lived in Louisiana was to go into your freezer and cook all the fresh meats and vegetables and refreeze them prior to the arrival of a hurricane. You can then thaw them out and warm them up when you need to use them. You may need to do this 2 or more days before the storm actually hits. Also turn up the settings on both freezer and refrigerator about 24 hours ahead of the storm. This makes things colder and the cold will last longer after the power goes out. Don’t worry if the milk freezes. it won’t hurt it. Also, use the fresh stuff you cooked first as it will also spoil first.You may get the power back on before you need the other stuff and you can save it for the next storm. Additionally, keep the kids out of the fridge and freezer. Opening the door allows it to warm up and will spoil the food in there quicker. Limit opening the doors to once a day if at all possible.