DIY Chocolate Mint Lip Balm With Essential Oils

Our DIY Chocolate Mint Lip Balm gets it chocolaty taste from real cocoa powder and it’s mint zing from peppermint essential oil.  It’s like a peppermint patty for your lips.  However, the real star of the show  is the carnauba wax.  This vegan wax enhances emoliency and moisturizing properties of the avocado oil and cocoa butter, while keeping a smooth consistency.

Tell Me More About Carnauba Wax

Carnauba is an edible wax from the leaves of a Brazilian Palm tree. It’s a hard, natural, vegan wax that is known for it’s ability to keep the texture of skin applications smooth. Carnauba wax gives a glossy polish look to lip balms. It’s an inexpensive way to give your lip balms a polished upscale feel and look.

Finally, carnauba wax is one hell of a terrific addition to beard balms. Speaking of beards, have your tried our DIY Beard Oil Recipe yet?

I Chose Avocado Oil For This DIY Chocolate Mint Lip Balm Recipe Because…..

I’ve seen SO many recipes on Pinterest for chocolate pudding recipes using avocados for those on Paleo diets, I thought I’d tie that trend in here, with this fabulous DIY Chocolate Mint Lip Balm recipe.

For those of you looking to sell your wares, tying a recipe to a trend will increase your sales….promise! So, you could present this as being vegan and/or having a Paleo twist!

DIY Chocolate Mint Lip Balm Recipe With Essential Oils Ingredients

*this post contains affiliate links

1 Tablespoon + 2 teaspoons Carnauba Wax

1  Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon Coconut Oil  Optional: Not a fan of Coconut Oil? Sub it out with Mango Butter

6  Tablespoons Avocado Oil

3 Tablespoons  High Quality Cocoa Powder

10-15 drops Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil

2 ounce HOT PINK TINS. People! Are these tins not the BOMB? Plus, when I have a terrific lip balm recipe, I prefer to pour it into larger tins. That way they don’t get lost as easily. *blush*

PRO TIP: This is a SOFTER lip balm.  If you would like it a bit harder, sub out 1 Tablespoon Avocado Oil  for 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil or Mango Butter. You could also add an extra 1 teaspoon Carnuaba Wax.


Do you need to order some essential oils?  I’d love to help.  Here’s how you can order Young Living Essential Oils AND get a $25.00 rebate off of your Premium Starter Kit!   I would MUCH rather lower the price of your Premium Starter Kit, than think you were purchasing your oils from a big box store or something.  Yuck.

The Method

1. Sift your cocoa powder. Yes, I know it’s a pain in the butt. Do it anyway. Over low heat, GENTLY WARM the Avocado Oil. Add cocoa powder to warm avocado oil and stir. Then stir some more. And since your already there, keep stirring until the cocoa powder has incorporated into the avocado oil, rewarming if necessary. Then set it aside.

Taking the time to sift your cocoa powder and then gently warm the avocado oil does two things.  First, it insures you won’t get a gritty feel from the cocoa powder, as the powdered has been absorbed by the oil.  Second, it helps give the finished product a shiny top.

2. Gently melt your coconut oil and wax in a double boiler. I swear by this *this post contains affiliate links melting pot. It’s the perfect size and has a spout made to pour from.  I LOVE it so much, I bought two.  And I used both of them making this DIY Chocolate Mint Lip Balm. .  One for the powder and avocado oil and one to melt the coconut oil and wax.

3. Add your avocado oil and cocoa butter mixture to the melted butters a little bit at a time, stirring well.

4. Remove mixture from heat, stirring as it cools down some and add your peppermint essential oil.

5. Pour the chocolate and peppermint goodness into your tins and allow to cool. Remember, if you want less of a divet (dimple?) in the middle of your balm, you can do one of two things:

Pour at a lower temperature.

Over pour your container until a round bubble takes shape……then make sure you don’t touch the container until it solidifies.


Planning A Make And Take?  Try This Suggestion!

I’m always perplexed when I find out that someone had trouble with a recipe when the very first time they tried to make it was at a Make And Take.

ALWAYS do a test batch at home FIRST! Even if the recipe looks so simple that you think you could do it in your sleep…..do a TEST BATCH.

A test batch allows you to become comfortable with a recipe. It allows you to understand how the ingredients melt, how the essential oils interact, ect.

Most importantly, test batching allows your to anticipate anything unexpected and trouble shoot it ahead of time.

Finally, take pictures of each step as you test batch. Add those pictures to your instructions for your Make And Take. This tells people that you are a pro at what you do, and anytime they have a question about lip balms OR essential oils, YOU are the person they should go to.

And, yes. As a matter of fact I do need to take my own advice and incorporate it into my essential oil recipe posts.  <g>

Looking For MORE Essential Oil Recipes?

Homemade Organic Brown Sugar Scrub Bar

Lavender Charcoal Soap DIY Homemade Soap Recipe

Homemade DIY Gardner’s Soap With Essential Oils

How To Order Young Living Essential Oils

ParkerMama: Tammy is a mom to 6 wonderful kids, including Parker, who came with an extra chromosome! She is passionate about special needs advocacy, living within her means, and preparing for an uncertain future. Tammy's main blog is Praying For Parker. Make sure to visit her there as well!
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