Save Money Buying Emergency Preparedness Gear

Prepping can be expensive.  People  have gone into significant debt in their quest to out run the Zombies.  They let fear over take them, and before they know it, they have spent thousands and still aren’t sure if they have what they need to make it through the emergencies they are most likely to experience.  By creating a plan, we can save money buying emergency gear while adding only what we need to our emergency kits.

What Are YOU Prepping For?

The first question to ask yourself, is what are you prepping for?    It’s called conducting your threat assessment.  In reality it’s nothing more than simply sitting down and making a list of all the things that could cause life to get dicey.

Do you live in an area where tornadoes, earthquakes, or hurricanes are possible?

Is there a potential for your income to fluctuate, or for you or your spouse to lose a job?

Do you care for someone with special medical needs?

What would you do if your home caught on fire?

If your water source became contaminated, what would you do?

Can you make it through a prolonged blackout?

What you prep for may look very different from what I’m prepping for.  But we both can save money buying emergency gear.

Prioritizing  Will Save Money Buying Emergency  Gear

Out of all the possibilities you’ve listed in your threat assessment, what is the most important situation for you to be prepared for?   That will be your first priority.

As you prioritize your possible emergencies, you’ll notice that a lot of things overlap in regards to what gear you’ll need.  When you mark that piece of gear off of one concern, you’ll be able to cross it off of another too.

Sell What You Aren’t Using To Buy What You Need

Take a look around your home.  What do you have that you could live without?   What do you have that is less important than the gear you need to get through an emergency?

Sell it.

Ebay.  Facebook yard sale sites.  Local classifieds.  Take your pick, but turn that stuff into cold, hard cash.

Use Cash Back Sites

Cash back sites have become popular lately. From groceries (Ibotta!) to items for your 72 hour kit, there’s a way to get a few bucks back. My personal favorite is 


A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Earn the cash you need by making some lifestyle changes.

*Shop Around for Better Life and Home Insurance

*Get rid of cable.  Embrace Netflix or Hulu.

*Menu Plan.  Make a list of what you need for that menu and stick to it.

*Give up a movie night.  Do without the expensive coffee.  Eat at home instead of going out.

*Set up a car pool.

*Brown Bag Lunches

Even if you are only able to cut back $20.00  bucks a month, that’s $20.00 more than you had before.

Who Says It Has To Be New?

Another way to save money buying emergency gear is to buy used.  Look on the same places that you sold your stuff to find the new stuff you need.  Don’t forget thrift stores and yard sales!

Simply Preparing Deals Group on Facebook

Your friendly hosts here at Simply Preparing have started a Facebook Group where we share GREAT deals and ways to help you save money prepping.   We’ll also find support regardless of where you are in your prepping journey.  Come ask your questions, share your stories and bring a friend!

It AIN’T All About The Money, Honey

Emergency preparedness is about making small, consistent steps in your ability to see your family through an emergency.  Don’t get caught up in the hype.  He who dies with the biggest bug out bag, really doesn’t win.

ParkerMama: Tammy is a mom to 6 wonderful kids, including Parker, who came with an extra chromosome! She is passionate about special needs advocacy, living within her means, and preparing for an uncertain future. Tammy's main blog is Praying For Parker. Make sure to visit her there as well!
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