The social networking site Pinterest is a a great place to get ideas on prepping, homesteading and self-sufficiency. Last March we wrote a post on the top 5 pinners on Pinterest which became wildly popular. This fall we are discovering some new pinners (to us) and want to share this resource with you all. So, without further ado, we present….
Top Preppers on Pinterest
Of course, you know we are always going to list ourselves so those of you who are not yet following can start seeing the pins we share! Click on the picture of the profile to follow us and all of the preppers in this post!
Simply Preparing on Pinterest
Glenn H. Levy on Pinterest
One of our favorite prepping friends, Mom With a Prep, suggested our Simply Preparing facebook page that we check out this monster prepping pinner and we sure weren’t sorry. Glenn focuses a lot on survival skills, weaponry and alternative shelters.
Family Preparedness Board on Pinterest
Another one of our favorite boards is curated by Mom With A Prep. We were invited to contribute to this fine collection and are proud to do so. You will find lots of “quick tip” prepping posts links here.
Are You Prepared? Pinterest Board
ConnieSmith1 created a great Pinterest Board called Are You Prepared? You will be after reading through all the tips and tricks she posts here.
Prepared Housewives on Pinterest
I love when people take the time to organize their board covers to make it easier for people to find things! I really need to do this but for now I will simply enjoy those pinners that are more organized than myself!
Backwoods Home on Pinterest
Backwoods Home is a print magazine that is coming to life on Pinterest. They post mostly their own uploaded photos and tips from the magazine to their Pinterest profile.
Of course, we still highly recommend our Top 5 Pinners For Prepping from last spring so click the graphic to visit them.
We certainly don’t claim to be perfect and we are sure to have missed some great pinners! Who are they? Leave us their name and pinterest profile URL in the comments so we can check them out and maybe include them in our next roundup!
In addition to my board – Are You Prepared – I have other prepping boards.
Every Needful Thing ( My fav)
Food Storage
Food Storage Recipes
Prepare Prepare Prepare
Homemade How To
Mix Magic
Happy Prepping!
I forgot to add my Gardening board : )
I just planned on coming to your house but now I have some prepper options.. Thanks!
I think I am a lot of peoples backup plan…which isn’t going to work out for a whole lot of people. Glad you are thinking of some options!
Quick tips is what I need.
Thanks for scouting out these boards for us.
You’re welcome. I get so many ideas from Pinterest
Oooh, good finds! Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome. 🙂 Let me know if you have any favorite pinners I missed.
Homeland Survival, 16 boards on survival, prepping, bug out, homesteading, everyday carry and more.
I love how you do this list! What a great idea, and thanks for adding me! I’m checking out and following all these pinners!
You can check out my prepping boards on pinterest, which are Homesteading~ survival, Homesteading~ vegetable, herb and fruit gardening, Homesteading~ chickens, Homesteading~ goats, Homesteading~ canning, dehydrating, Homesteading~ ducks, and Homesteading~ Emergency food
Now following everyone you mentioned! I also pin about prepared
Sorry….forgot I’d just changed my profile…