We are big stove popped popcorn eaters around here. I pretty much pop a pan a day. My kids grew up on it. Cheap and whole grain healthy, with a long term storage life and the added bonus of being quick and easy to make, popcorn is a food storage mainstay.
Which Pot Should You Choose?
Your choice of pot to pop popcorn in is very important. It needs to have a heavy bottom so the corn doesn’t stick and burn easily. It’s got to have a lid for…..well, you can figure that one out for yourself.
*this post contains Amazon Affiliate Links
I really *this post contains affiliate links: love this little beauty from Cooks Standard. All the required elements listed above, and a price tag that is very affordable. Bonus! You can watch your corn pop through the glass lid!
PRO TIP: In case you find yourself with a burnt batch of stove popped popcorn, or any other brunt on blech, grab some Barkeeper’s friend and you’ll have your pot shining again in NO time. Grab some NOW!
You can come back and thank me for this life changing wonderment later.
Ingredients for Stove Popped Pop Corn
My family prefers a light olive oil. Or if I’m feeling rich, I use macadamia nut oil. Grape seed oil works well. I’ve also used avocado oil and love it. Since I always have olive oil on hand, it’s usually what gets used. Some people like to use coconut oil for their stove popped popcorn, but the taste wasn’t a hit at our house.
4 Tablespoons of oil.
1 Cup Popcorn
Sea Salt
How To Make Stove Popped Popcorn
Pour 4 Tablespoons of oil into a cold pan.
Next pour in 1 cup of popcorn.
Make sure each kernel is covered in oil. Shake the pan a bit to get so the corn and oil is evenly distributed over the bottom of your pan. Remember, you don’t want your popcorn to be drowning in oil. The oil line shouldn’t be above your popcorn.
I then put the top on my pan, turn up the heat to about a 7, or medium high, and let ‘er rip!
To Shake or Not to Shake (The pan that is……)
I use to shake my pan back and forth. But if your heat is high enough and your oil is hot enough all those little pieces of popcorn will pop up without any extra help.
However, if shaking helps you from burning your popcorn, by all means SHAKE! Just keep sliding the pot back and forth over the heat until all of those kernels have turned themselves inside out!
When the popping slows down to just a few pops at a time, it’s done! Remove it from the burner.
Add salt while the popcorn is still very warm. It sticks to the popcorn much better this way. I use sea salt. Unless I’m out. Then I’m stuck with table salt. That always make me a little bit sad.
Here’s the secret to adding salt to your popcorn. STIR/TOSS IT UP. More stirring/tossing than salt. Add a few shakes, stir the bejeebers out of it, taste it to see if you need more salt and repeat IF necessary. There is nothing worse than too much salt on the top of the popcorn and not enough on the bottom.
Viola. That’s it! That’s right, I don’t even add butter. Seriously. It’s divine just the way it is. Food of the gods. I always have people tell me how good it is. As a matter of fact, people often leave my home with a big plastic cup of the stuff to take on the road with them.
It’s really that good.
Toppings for Stove Popped Popcorn
Every Sunday night is popcorn night at our house. It’s been a tradition since my kids were little. As a matter of fact, my married kids keep the tradition alive in their own homes now.
Over the years, we’ve come up with a few ideas to make our humble pots of stove popped popcorn a little more festive. Heck, we’ve been known to jazz up a pot of corn, serve it with a side of carrot sticks and fruit and call it dinner. (ahem)
Here are some of our favorites:
Lightly buttered with freshly grated Asiago cheese.
Lightly drizzled with white truffle oil and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.
Tossed with salt and dry Ranch seasoning.
Lightly buttered with both sea salt and black pepper.
Sprinkled with Thrive’s Dry Cheese Blend. (Item #22445)
What is your favorite popcorn topping?
I’m secretly hoping that once you’ve tried making your own stove popped popcorn, you’ll never go back to the microwaved stuff again. Try it out for yourself, then come back and tell me what you think!
It’s nice to get back to the basics and away from the microwave. Thanks for the tips!
TOTALLY needed this!! Need to make more popcorn at home!
MMMM We love our stove popped popcorn made with coconut oil, a drizzle of melted grass fed butter and a sprinkle of Himalayan pink salt. My mouth is watering right now!!