Why You Need Sillcock Keys in Your Emergency Preparedness Kits

An inexpensive prep,  *this post contains affiliate links sillcock keys can be the means to access emergency water.  Turning the water off in a building can still leave water  in the pipes.  This hydration could be the factor that allows your family to survive a catastrophic event.  Simply locate the water spigot on a commercial or public building, and use your sillcock key to turn the spigot on.

What Is A Sillcock Key?

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Use Sillcock keys to open water spigots on commercial buildings, at golf courses, ball parks, and other venues where people spend a lot of time.  You can even use them at rest stops with their spigots.

What About Pliers Or A Wrench?

With the unique design of  spigots at industrial or public buildings require  sillcock keys.  An adjustable wrench, or pair of pliers won’t get the job done.

Where To Store Your Sillcock Keys?

You’ll want to store Sillcock keys in emergency kits and vehicle glove compartments. Add a list of potential places where you can put that sillcock key to work, and you’ll have an invaluable tool at the ready.

Best Kept Secret

One of the best keep secrets in the world of emergency preparedness is the sillcock key.  Cheap enough to purchase a back up to your back up.   This potential life saver should be a part of every family’s survival plan.


ParkerMama: Tammy is a mom to 6 wonderful kids, including Parker, who came with an extra chromosome! She is passionate about special needs advocacy, living within her means, and preparing for an uncertain future. Tammy's main blog is Praying For Parker. Make sure to visit her there as well!
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