Tornado Survival Checklist For Families

A Tornado survival checklist saves lives.  I remember as a kid out on my Uncles ranch and my Aunt yelling at everyone to get to safety cause a tornado was on the way. Safety was a huge cave a quarter of a mile away from where we were.  You’ve never seen a bunch of people run so fast.

Luckily, the tornado passed us by, but I’ve never forgotten that experience.  You don’t have to live in Tornado Alley to prepare for tornadoes, they can happen just about anywhere.

 Family Tornado Survival Checklist

Create a Family Tornado Survival Checklist and practice it. Make sure each family member knows where to go and what to take with them to be safe in case of a tornado. Know where to meet up after the storm.

What Is A Tornado Watch?

A Tornado Watch means that conditions are right for a tornado to develop. When you hear of a tornado watch, stay close to your weather radio for continued alerts.

What Is A Tornado Warning?

A Tornado Warning indicates a tornado has been seen in the area or that radar indicates the presence of a tornado. When a tornado warning is issued, seek appropriate shelter immediately.

Stay Informed About Possible Tornadoes

In the US the best way to stay informed about severe weather is with *this post contains affiliate links a NOAA weather radio. Does your community use Tornado Sirens? Learn what they sound like, and when you hear one, get to shelter.

Identify A Safe Place For Tornado Survival

An underground shelter or basement is the safest. But if those aren’t available, a small, windowless room or hallway on the lowest level of your home will work.  Your goal is to put as many walls between the outside wall and you as possible.

Bring your emergency binder and your 72 hour kits with you into your Safe Place.   Remember, your emergency binder should include a laminated card for each family member with a list of all the family members and their contact information. If anyone is alone and injured, first responders will know how to reach the next of kin.

You Safe Place should also be stocked with emergency drinking water storage .  Finally, make sure you have a *this post contains affiliate links portable battery power bank as to be able to recharge cell phones and stay in contact with loved ones.

Consider keeping  motorcycle or bicycle helmets on hand to protect from flying debris.

Identify where your local shelter is, and how to get to it, if you need to.  In most cases it will be a school, community center or city building.

Bring your pets with you to your safe place, keeping them crated or on a leash. Don’t forget your pet’s 72 hour kit.

PRO TIP: Looking for more ideas on what to stock a Safe Room with?  Our post on Prepping for Basic Emergencies can help with that!

Tornadoes and Mobile Homes

Do NOT remain in a mobile home during a tornado. Leave and see safer shelter.  Please, no arguing here.

Tornado Survival Checklist If You Are Outdoors

Seek safety in a basement, shelter or inside a nearby sturdy building.

If there is no shelter nearby, see if you can drive to a shelter. If you get caught as you are driving, pull over and park, but don’t turn off the ignition and keep the seat belt buckled.

You want the car to be running so that the airbags can still deploy and offer some protection.  Make sure to keep your head down below the windows and cover your head with your hands and a blanket.

If you are in an open field, get as close to the ground as possible and cover your head.  Stay away from overpasses and bridges. Do NOT try to out run the storm.

What To Do After The Storm

1. Grab your first aid kit, and deal with any injuries.

2. Shut off utilities. Damage to pipes or switches could cause a fire or explosion. Do NOT use lighters or matches in case of a gas leak. Instead grab a flashlight from your 72 Kit.

3. Inspect your home for damage. If you find structural damage, leave and seek shelter, bringing your 72 Hour Kits with you.

PRO TIP: It’s not unusual for municipal water to become contaminated after a natural disaster.  Learn how to Survive A Boil Notice .

Prepared.  Not Scared.

You don’t have to be blown away when tornadoes strike.  A bit of pre-planning will keep your loved ones safe.

ParkerMama: Tammy is a mom to 6 wonderful kids, including Parker, who came with an extra chromosome! She is passionate about special needs advocacy, living within her means, and preparing for an uncertain future. Tammy's main blog is Praying For Parker. Make sure to visit her there as well!
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