Honey has been used in wound care for centuries, all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. Today, people swarm to Medical Grade Honey for it’s healing properties.
What Is Medical Grade Honey?
Made from New Zealand’s Manuka honey (Leptospermum species), *this post contains affiliate links MediHoney contains Methylglyoxal, a unique ingredient that provides it’s strong antibiotic benefits.
Interestingly, pH content of Medical Honey is more acidic than any other honey, which means much faster wound healing.
Proof. I Want Proof Medical Honey Works
There are over 234 pieces of evidence to MediHoney’s ability not only to heal wounds, but to heal them faster. (source)
Medical Honey and Emergency Preparedness
MediaHoney is the perfect addition to medical kits to use when with diabetic ulcers, open wounds, scrapes and burns. Toss a tube of it into your 72 Hour Kits and Emergency Kits too.
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How To Use MediHoney
Use MediHoney in paste or gel form like any other wound cream. Derma Sciences also offers dressings for shallow wounds.
G-Tubes and Excema
One way I use Medical Honey is around my son’s g-tube site. This miracle honey helps with skin breakdown as well as protecting against inflammation.
Then we have my son’s Remicade treatments causing eczema flares, and this stuff works wonders on eczema. No kidding.
So. Medical Grade Honey Is Expensive.
There’s no doubt that Medical Grade Honey comes with a bit of a price tag. While it’s worth the price, I understand the word ‘budget’, too. Boy do I ever. So much so that I wrote about how I make my own version of medical grade honey in my post about my DIY Manuka Honey Recipe
What is one thing that you refuse to go without, despite the cost?
I don’t know about Medihoney but I am an expert on Manuka Honey. I broke my ankle a few years ago, screws & plates. The whole shebang. After the surgery, I ended up with a wound the size of an oblong
quarter. It would not heal even though the Dr. used his special unmarked tube of cream from Nepal. This was a specialist, mind you. Anyway, after 10 1/2 months, I decided to abandon him and I did my
research on Manuka Honey. Dark color, at least #16, glass jar, from New Zealand. I changed the dressing twice a day, and within a week it had started to decrease in size. Three weeks more & it had closed. I’m not kidding you. I still kept using the honey once a day with a dressing, just because it was so sensitive. After 4 more weeks, it was sensitive but I didn’t use a
dressing. I still use Manuka orally daily as a healthy med. I understand it is great for your gut. I recommend everyone have Manuka Honey in your medicine cabinet and in the kitchen for burns, cuts, and abrasions. Besides all that it is Delicious! So put it on your biscuits if you eat biscuits. The price is going through the ceiling now that it is popular but it is so worth it.